Rogue Traders Operating in This Area
5th December 2024
Reports of a rogue trader knocking on doors in South Darenth and offering to fix loose tiles on their roof immediately have come into the Parish office today.
Whilst this may appear to be legitimate, the householder then caught the trader peering through the windows of their house.
Kent Police offer the following advice:
If such persons come to your door be polite but firm that you do not require the work completed no matter how good an offer they initially make.
If you are aware of elderly or vulnerable neighbours engaging with such traders offer support, take details of vehicles, business details, be that 'Nosey Neighbour' support them in saying no to the traders. If they don't leave call 999.
Don't ever go to a bank or cash point with a trader; legitimate traders would never do this.
Use reputable traders who are members of the KCC Trading Standards approved trader scheme