Plan 2040 - District Councillor Laurence Ball
19th December 2023

Hello everybody
I posted a short while ago, urging you to give your opinion on the Local Plan 2020 on the Sevenoaks District Council website. The deadline for you to comment or to vote for your preferred option is January 6.
At this stage the Plan shows that the sites that have been offered up by property-owners for possible development. The Plan (or Option) that will be adopted is very likely to be the Option that more people vote for.
That being said, I am told that Option 2 has the most votes at present. If you want this, or another option, please go to the website and vote for what you would prefer to happen in the District. Dont forget the deadline on January 6th.
A reminder that whichever Plan or Option is adopted that normal planning procedures will be followed. This may take several years as consultations with various Statutory Bodies must take place and Plans would have to be produced. Members of the Public would still have further opportunity to comment on whatever proposals are put forward.
There is a meeting at the Shand Hall, St Peter and St Paul's Church, Farningham tomorrow (Wednesday 20th December) at 19:00H. The Local Plan 2040, including Pedham Place, will be discussed.
There is also a "pop-up" presentation at the Farningham Village Hall on 4th January 2024. You will be able to look at some of the proposed developments and then discuss them with Officers from the District Council.
Laurence Ball (Cllr)